Sales Skills for Coaches and Personal Trainers

Overcoming the Price Objection


This conversation series centers on refining your sales skills by revealing to you how to overcome objections during the initial consult with a prospect. These objections fall into three major categories: Price, the Decision Maker, and the Stall. This article focuses on the objection of price. While no objection overcome is perfect, this scenario will give you the language and context to close more sales and help more people.

Setting: the initial consultation with a prospect. The coach and prospect have already discussed the prospect’s goal and previous efforts to achieve that goal. This scenario starts as the coach presents price. 


Coach: After discussing your goals, my recommendation is our 360 Wellness Coaching package with 12 sessions. For all twelve sessions that’s $378. Is this an amount you can manage?

Client: Oh. That is more than I was expecting.

Coach: It’s important to remember that a twelve-session package will get you through nearly 3 months of 360 Wellness Coaching. And that means the cost to you is around $32 per week.

Client: That’s true. Can I actually see progress in that time?

Coach: Absolutely. And let’s agree, $378 dollars is not an insignificant investment.

Client: That’s also true.

Coach: But you’ve shared with me your goal and your previous struggles to achieve it. I know I can help and I’m confident we can see progress together.

Client: Really?

Coach: Yes. And I want to work with you and I believe this is the best service I have that fits your needs and goals. Would you like to get started with this or we can explore our four-session package at $140?

Client: Is four sessions enough? 

Coach: With your goals, I believe we will need more time, but what’s important to me today is to get you started. I recommended the twelve-session package because I believe it’s the best fit for you and your goals, but if starting with the four-session package is our path to seeing progress toward your goals, I’ll happily do that. 

Client: I’m so relieved to see how much you care. It may be a little tight, but I can make the twelve-session package work. 

Coach: Wonderful. Let’s go to the front desk and get our first session scheduled. 


Notes: This article refers to the service as 360 Wellness Coaching, but coaches are encouraged to use the language that best resonates with their clients. Additionally, the prices mentioned in this article are derived from a training cost of $90/hour. For more info on how to price behavior coaching sessions, read this article.

If you’re ready to have access to a complete system that you can use to confidently produce results for client after client while increasing your income, get 360 Wellness Coaching certified.

Click HERE to get started.