Sales Skills for Coaches and Personal Trainers

Overcoming The Stall Objection

(4 min read)


This conversation series centers on overcoming objections during the initial consult with a prospect. These objections fall into three major categories: Price, Decision Maker, and Stall. This article focuses on a prospect saying they need more time to think about it.  And while no objection overcome is perfect, this scenario will give you the language and context to close more sales and help more people.

Setting: the initial consultation with a prospect. The coach and prospect have already discussed the prospect’s goal and previous efforts to achieve that goal. This scenario begins as the coach presents the price. 

Coach: Our 360 Wellness Coaching package with 12 sessions is $378. Does that work for you?

Client: Well…I’d like to think about it.  

Coach: Absolutely. It’s okay to be hesitant. But if you’ve got questions, let me be your resource to answer them.  I’m happy to do so now. You see, many times, people push off making a decision because they’re afraid of making the wrong one. I just want to help you discover the right decision for you, even if that’s not signing up. Does that make sense?

Client: Yes.

Coach: Great. So, let me ask a question. Do you think that working with me doing 360 Wellness Coaching will help you reach your goal?

Client: It sounds like it. I like what you’re saying.

Coach: Good, I’m confident I can help. So would you be comfortable and excited to work with me?

Client: Yes, but I’m unsure if I can be successful.

Coach: That’s alright. Everyone has some doubts when it comes to pursuing goals. Everyone. But I want to share with you that I’ve worked with people that are coming from similar circumstances and had similar goals and we were able to produce real results.

Client: I like hearing that.

Coach: So we agree that the program feels right to you and that you and I would work well together. So lastly, can you fit this into your budget?

Client: Yes, I can make it work.

Coach: Great. Let’s go to the front desk and get our first session scheduled. I’m really glad you made this decision and I’m super excited to start working with you.

Client: Okay. Thanks. I appreciate you being so patient with me.

Coach: Of course. I’m here to help. I know you can do this and I’m really excited for our first session together. 


If you’re ready to have access to the system you can use to confidently produce results for client after client while increasing your income, get 360 Wellness Coaching certified.

Click HERE to get started.