Show Your Clients the Secret to Easy, Long-Term Weight Loss Success

Just Find the Intersection of These Two Factors The diagram and explanation within this article will give you a concise and powerful tool to share with clients.  As you walk your clients through it, they’ll understand the unique approach you’re going to guide them through and how you’re setting them up for success and consistency.    […]

Make Your Job as a Coach Way Easier with This One Distinction

One Distinction to Make Your Coaching Job Easier As the title says, one distinction will make your job as a coach easier, reduce frustration, and it will also make your recommendations more successful. This one distinction also lets you avoid inadvertently setting your clients up for failure. Now admittedly, there are countless different categories people […]

Use What You’re Already Doing to Lose Weight and Get Lean

Use Your Clients’ Current Habits to Help Them Lose Weight and Get Leaner The Power of Habit Stacking (This article piggybacks off of a previous article on Implementation Intention. Although this article can stand alone, you’ll find it to be a much more useful tool when you understand it in the context of that previous article. You […]

Stop Trying to Find Motivation and Do This Instead

Stop Trying to Find Motivation & Do this Instead How the Cereal Aisle Can Make you Leaner, Healthier, and Happier (5 min read or 30s read if you jump to the summary at the end) Are you familiar with choice architecture?  It’s the idea that location of a cue within an environment dramatically impacts decisions and […]

Double the Success Rate with One Sentence

Double the Success Rate with One Sentence The Power of Implementation Intention (5 min read or 30s read if you jump to the summary at the end) Yeah, the title is a bit click bait-y, but it true.  As James Clear shares in his book Atomic Habits, laying out what is called an implementation intention […]

A Path to End Frustration with Clients

Understanding a Better Approach to Get Results Telling a client to stop doing a thing, regardless of how destructive to their goals it is, is not always beneficial.  Everyone knows that eating a pint of Haagen Daz every weeknight is going to create issues on their weight loss journey.  Your client definitely knows that just […]

Do This When Clients Talk About Their Relationships

Do THIS When Clients Talk About Their Relationships A Three Step Process to Address This Difficult Subject​: Relationships are so important in our lives. Without a person or group of people with whom to share our experiences, the journey will be less than ideal. Humans evolved in groups and crave belonging. You know this, your […]

The Clear & Simple Framework for Behavior Change

The Clear & Simple Framework for Behavior Change As a coach you know you need to be rather dynamic in your skill sets and agile in your problem solving.  The challenge is that what clients articulate as what they say and what they really want are not always the same or consistent.  It’s not always […]